Do I need to book in advance?
Can I cancel or rearrange my appointment? How much notice is required?
Change is sometimes unavoidable, however I ask you to please rearrange or cancel your appointment at the earliest sign of needing to do so. At a minimum, I ask that you provide at least 36 hours’ notice to reschedule or cancel your appointment. For your convenience, a reminder is sent the day before your appointment to remind you of the scheduled time.
Once your booking has been confirmed, a $50 cancellation fee applies for cancellations as well as in the event of a no-show. If you are unable to keep an appointment, please provide 36 hours notice. This would allow me to accommodate wait listed clients. Changes to standard treatments may incur additional costs.
Can I reschedule my appointment?
You may reschedule your appointment, and, as with cancellations, I ask for as much notice as possible, with a minimum of 36 hours. Appointments should be rescheduled for a time within a week of the original appointment, availability dependent, or may result in the loss of your booking fee. As I am quite fully booked, rescheduling your appointment may sometimes result in a wait to get your desired rescheduled time.
Sometimes things simply don’t go to plan, and I will allow an appointment to be rescheduled up to twice. Multiple rescheduling may result in the loss of your booking fee and may affect future appointments.
Can I add on additional treatments, change or remove treatments when I arrive at my appointment?
When do I need to arrive and how long should I allocate for my appointment?
Vitality and Ageless Confidence Awaits
See The Skin Refinery's Treatment Menu
Business Hours
Open Monday to Saturday
Treatments are by appointment only